
Changing matter with consciousness.
We already know that it is possible, but it is fun to see it happen with psychokinesis and something as solid as spoons.

Skeptics often need solid proof and here it is.

In a meditative state, I rest in alignment with Being and when I focus on the spoon, it bends.
I first ask the spoon if it wants to be bent. Sometimes they say no! This has to be respected of course and another spoon will be asked.
When there is consent, I ask the spoon to show me in my mind’s eye, what shape it wants to be bent into.
Then I relax and when the moment of alignment is right, oneness, we bend. The spoon enjoys it, I enjoy it and it shows the world that we can affect physical matter with consciousness.

It only takes a moment to bend the spoon. In the state of alignment, the metal becomes soft and malleable like dough.
After bending spoons, I feel vitalized. There is a natural heightened vibration that comes with alignment. This alignment is what we enter when we meditate and spoonbending is just a side-effect of it.